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Invisible Flame and Spell Effects, 3rd-person view


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Hello, everyone!


Something odd I've noticed with the last patch is invisible spell effects when I'm in third-person view. Example: Basic healing spell that you start the game with. If I'm in first-person view, I get the "cool glowing orb of holy healing" effect. However, if I'm in third-person view, I see nothing in my hands - only a small effect around my character to indicate healing.


With other spells, its worse. Take the first fire spell you start out with - I can see the in-hand effects in first person just fine, but when I use the spell, I can't see the fire as it shoots out of my hand. If I light something (or someONE) on fire, then I can see the flames on them, but not when the fire is in mid-flight.


I just updated my graphics drivers (ATI Radeon HD 4250, driver version 12.6), and that didn't seem to fix anything. The mod that I have active that affects lighting doesn't change this effect.


Just for your information, my computer is barely capable of playing Skyrim on low settings without lag (still lags in some places - is playable, though), but I didn't have this issue back before the patch. Anyone have any ideas as to how I could go about fixing this? Thanks!

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I think your last sentence probably answered this one.


While normally I would agree with you, I'd like to point out that this didn't happen before the patch. In addition, I've found that spiderwebs are invisible until I run into them.


EDIT: Found a solution. For those of you with similar problems, nstall this: http://enbseries.enbdev.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=7


Worked like a charm for me, no noticable FPS drops, fixed everything.

Edited by CrazyDave1313
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