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FIX for weird glitchy floating graphical issue on player characters


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I was having a graphical issue that several other players were having trouble with - sorry no pictures to show floating shadow thing above character head -


has to do with racemenu:


This might also fix players character eyes missing and sunken (haven't had an issue with that but it's probably fixed the same way)


I found this on someone else's post so here you go.


And yes, I did this and my character is back to normal with no shadow glitch above head!



Good Luck and Happy Gaming!


Expired (the creator of Racemenu) forgot to disable the currently buggy and nonfunctional Face Overlays in the latest update, which is causing a ton of visual bugs, such as the aforementioned missing eyes.

You don't need to downgrade to an older version, you can fix this yourself by disabling the face overlays. Find the SKSE/Plugins folder, inside the Racemenu mod. In this folder, you should find a file called skee64.ini. Open it with a text editor (I usually use NotePad for this) go to the [Overlays] section and set bEnableFaceOverlays=1 to bEnableFaceOverlays=0.

Edited by draggonness
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