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Falskaar - Fort Urokk (spoilers) I need help!


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I left Fort Urokk with everyone and the cutscene appeared, and every time everyone just stays there after the guy rides away on his horse, and I remain frozen and unable to move.


I tried to go back to earlier save and I tried just reloading. I'm afraid that I'm not good at these things so please can someone give me a step by step on how to fix this? I haven't had any luck finding one.


I love falskaar but damn I have run into some heavy bugs that needed outside help, but this is just so spoiler-ish so I'd hate to ask my normal 'go to' person since he has yet to play this himself.


I really hope this is the last bug. Ever since the main story characters got together I can't finish one quest without waiting for help because something important doesn't work. It's getting a little old by now, and I'm thinking that maybe I should just leave... But I also really like this story and want to play it... So not fair.


Anyway, please help! And have a nice day.


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