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NPC's have shiny clothes


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So I need some help. A few NPC's in my game have 'shiny' clothes and boots. (Screenshot: https://imgur.com/a/vZwSZQU )


I have 62 active mods and I'm not exactly sure when this started happening. I'll post my mod list and order if needed, but I don't want to spend too much time on this post if its a simple fix. Anyone have any ideas? Thanks in advance

Edited by bcintron19
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Looks like missing or incomplete normal map textures.


Technical explanation: That "shiny" look is usually caused by improper normal maps (xxxx_n.dds) for items. Normal maps are generally used to determine the surface structure of objects. In Skyrim, they have a second function: The so-called "specular map" is embedded in the normal map (technically it's the alpha channel of the normal map). The "specular map" is basically a greyscale image, that tells the game engine, how "shiny" an object should be. Black/dark means "dull", white/light means "shiny". If your normal maps don't include a specular map (or a messed up one), the game engine will act like you have a plain white specular map - meaning "this object is very shiny".


Since this is a texture problem, the easiest solution is to install different textures for your outfits (or try to reinstall the ones you already have - maybe it's just an installation problem).

I'd recommend "RUSTIC clothing":


It works without any problems - and it should also cover those "common clothes" shown in the picture. Besides that, "RUSTIC clothing" looks really great. ^^

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