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Saunds of Skyrim Civilization


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If I run the uninstall as is required in leggini.

Manual Uninstall



Sounds of Skyrim to remove from your hard drive, go into the Data Files tab of your Skyrim Launcher. Select "SoS - Civilization.esp" and click on "Delete".


If you only have this Sounds of Skyrim module installed, delete the "Sounds of Skyrim" folder in your Skyrim / Data / Sound / SFX directory.


If you have other modules, it is highly recommended not to delete files from any sound since Civlization These modules might make use of Civilization's sounds.



Wrye Bash



Right-click on Sounds Of Skyrim - Civilization.zip in Wrye Bash's Installers tab and select Uninstall.



Steam Workshop



First, unsubscribe from Sounds of the Workshop on Skyrim then proceed like the manual uninstall.



Nexus Mod Manager



In the Mods tab, select Sounds of Skyrim - Civilization and click on the red X to remove it.


When I come into play and a disaster every 10 seconds I get a tear fps and at worst a crasch on the desktop.

Help how to uninstall it, also because a file is no longer visible on Nexus.

Thank you.

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