LordMurderBat Posted February 15, 2019 Share Posted February 15, 2019 The game crashes whenever i approach any major city (except Falkreath for some reason, and i haven't tested Morthal, so not too sure about that one). I can fast travel into some of the larger cities without any crashes, but not Whiterun (I haven't tried Markarth or Windhelm in a while, so not sure about those). I'm getting tired of using console commands to travel into each house, so if anyone knows of a solution i would be grateful. Here's my load order: 0 0 Skyrim.esm 1 1 Update.esm 2 2 Dawnguard.esm 3 3 HearthFires.esm 4 4 Dragonborn.esm 5 5 Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch.esp 6 6 Falskaar.esm 7 7 ApachiiHair.esm 8 8 hdtHighHeel.esm 9 9 OSA.esm 10 a HighResTexturePack01.esp 11 b HighResTexturePack02.esp 12 c HighResTexturePack03.esp 13 d Unofficial High Resolution Patch.esp 14 e unlimitedbookshelves.esp 15 f better dynamic snow.esp zeldamusic.esp 16 10 EnhancedLightsandFX.esp 17 11 ELFX - Exteriors.esp 18 12 hyrule castle1.0.esp 19 13 hyrule castle.esp Castle Volkihar Rebuilt.esp 20 14 UGCustum.esp 1k_dds_nif_vurts-flora-overhaul.esp 1k_dds_shrubs.esp 21 15 hectrol caves deluxe highres retex 2k version.esp 22 16 auto unequip ammo.esp 23 17 better embers.esp 24 18 enhanceddistantterrain.esp hdplants+herbs.esp 25 19 hqsnow.esp 26 1a real glaciers v2.esp 27 1b vibrantauroras.esp 28 1c RaceMenu.esp 29 1d RaceMenuPlugin.esp 30 1e collectors crypt.esp 31 1f prometheus_no_snow_under_the_roof.esp 32 20 PWwaterfall.esp 33 21 RelicsofHyruleDragonborn.esp Honeyside.esp 34 22 Dragon Cliff Manor.esp immersive interiors.esp 35 23 lightweight potions and poisons.esp 36 24 sos - the wilds.esp dremora race orc voice.esp 37 25 neaextbromjunaar.esp 38 26 windfall.esp 39 27 Domnagory.esp killessential.esp 40 28 sos - the dungeons.esp 41 29 artifact disenchanting.esp 42 2a ELFX - Weathers.esp 43 2b Easter Eggs and References Pack 1.esp 44 2c remove interior fog v2 - skyrim.esp 45 2d water.esp JobsofSkyrim.esp 46 2e VioLens.esp 47 2f TempleofTime.esp nightingale hall.esp 48 30 thecollectorshouse.esp 49 31 Run For Your Lives.esp 50 32 removeborder - goldenglow.esp 51 33 Cloaks.esp 52 34 StaticMeshImprovementMod.esp 53 35 cozy riverwood home.esp q mannequins and more.esp 54 36 Added_Killmoves_All_Weapons+Last_Enemy_Limit_Removed.esp 55 37 NorthernCardinal.esp 56 38 Dragon Falls Manor.esp 57 39 marriable serana.esp 58 3a lanterns of skyrim - bridges x2 - onoff_bright.esp 59 3b lanterns of skyrim - around cities_bright.esp 60 3c Jaggarsfeld.esp 61 3d lanterns of skyrim - villages.esp 62 3e beggarhome.esp 63 3f moresmeltables.esp 64 40 ktxcompleteskyforge.esp 65 41 Gigaduex_Outfit.esp 66 42 aciiibowandarrows.esp 67 43 armored circlets.esp 68 44 assassinrobes.esp 69 45 ezio's armor.esp 70 46 Ghosu - Hobbit.esp 71 47 hylianshield.esp 72 48 LeftHandRings.esp 73 49 lozlinksbow.esp lozlinksclothes.esp 74 4a star wars ep1 armors.esp 75 4b tomahawkaciiiwepmod.esp 76 4c twilightsword.esp 77 4d unburden.esp 78 4e dr_bandolierdg.esp 79 4f lighterdragonloot.esp 80 50 dragonbonecrossbow.esp 81 51 starwarsarmors.esp 82 52 formsedit.esp 83 53 daedriccrossbow.esp 84 54 ZeldaMod.esp 85 55 graesholt - bleakcoast cave easter egg improved.esp 86 56 extendedost lotr only.esp cbbecurvy.esp 87 57 convenient_wood_chopping_blocks.esp 88 58 crossbows for the empire.esp 89 59 crossbows for the stormcloaks.esp 90 5a dynamic fires.esp 91 5b faster vanilla horses.esp 92 5c hqworkbenchandgrindstone.esp lush grass and trees.esp 93 5d unreadbooksglow.esp saturationboost.esp contrastboost.esp 94 5e seranahair.esp 95 5f star wars jedi races.esp 96 60 xce.esp 97 61 Reptilian Feet.esp zx hands.esp 98 62 purewaters.esp 99 63 barenziahquestmarkers.esp100 64 impatienceofasaint-markers.esp101 65 zantsmask.esp102 66 PlayableSovngardeGold.esp103 67 a quality world map - with roads.esp104 68 batman armour.esp105 69 mandalorianarmors.esp106 6a 4k dark gritty mountains.esp107 6b darth revan and star killer.esp108 6c craftableeverythingdawnguard.esp109 6d serana no hood.esp110 6e lovelyhairstylesce.esp vanilla one ring.esp111 6f hiddenidentities.esp112 70 LinkleOutfit.esp113 71 armoroverhaul.esp114 72 betterwatersmod.esp convenient_mining.esp115 73 more than one ring on a finger.esp116 74 Realistic Aspen Trees.esp ununobtainableclothes.esp Unipus.esp SkyrimWeatherBeautification.esp117 75 armor of the ancient nord.esp yetikillkids.esp118 76 glassswordred.esp119 77 mr T in skyrim.esp120 78 zzArmormashups.esp121 79 HyruleWarriorsWeapons.esp Music from AC.esp122 7a Renascence Assassin outfit.esp123 7b SkullKidArmor.esp124 7c FierceDeitySword.esp125 7d ZeldaShieldPack.esp126 7e assassin's creed 2 Ezio outfit Mod.esp127 7f Simply Evie.esp128 80 samsuphitjokerharleyquinn.esp129 81 Ratonhnhaketon Robes.esp130 82 Beards.esp131 83 DCSorceress.esp132 84 NpcDeathAlertSLAE.esp133 85 Latex Armor.esp134 86 AC Music.esp135 87 ts_fetishwardrobe.esp136 88 ts_fetishwardrobe_femalebodysize.esp137 89 ts_phreddress1.esp138 8a ts_redslickbikini.esp139 8b ts_slickarmour.esp140 8c ts_slicksuit.esp141 8d ts_slinkyleotard.esp142 8e ts_whitewardrobe.esp143 8f UNP Boots 02.esp144 90 ts_ecatsuit&ballet.esp145 91 amazingfollowertweaks.esp146 92 multifollowerlite.esp147 93 SkyUI.esp148 94 vanillaarcheryimproveddawnguard.esp149 95 marriable serana hf.esp150 96 Sneaky_Serana.esp followers keep up (dawnguard).esp vampire royal hood.esp151 97 enhancedlightingforrealisticlighting.esp152 98 The Force.esp153 99 hobbithouse2.esp154 9a unrestricted enchanting.esp155 9b Batcave.esp156 9c disenchantment_font.esp157 9d dwarvenshooter.esp sheogorath_shout.esp158 9e prometheus_beastskeletons.esp159 9f armored-horses.esp Batman.esp160 a0 convenient horses.esp161 a1 MidnightBreed.esp162 a2 calyps-animal-ears.esp163 a3 Nakrulz's Zipsuit.esp164 a4 ImprovedDeathCams.esp Ballet Boots.esp165 a5 TwoRapiers.esp166 a6 rapier.esp167 a7 ts_rogueoutfits.esp168 a8 KS Hairdos - HDT.esp169 a9 Craftable Invisible Helmets.esp170 aa BBD_CatsuitSpearhead.esp171 ab dd - realistic ragdoll force - realistic.esp172 ac WonderWomanAA.esp173 ad DeadlyAssassin.esp174 ae StylishPirate.esp175 af Footprints.esp176 b0 ScarletDawnArmor.esp177 b1 chfshPlayerVoicesets.esp178 b2 SilentSneakKills.esp179 b3 DeadlySpellImpacts.esp180 b4 STEP DLC Optimized Textures - Standard.esp181 b5 STEP Vanilla Optimized Textures - Standard.esp182 b6 JaxonzEnhGrab.esp183 b7 gunnormal.esp184 b8 Unique Uniques.esp Nightingale Armor Face Mask.esp185 b9 kaz doa_nyo_suit_1.esp186 ba Mord Sith Cara.esp187 bb Latex Leggings.esp188 bc XN_MicroBikini.esp AlikrDesert.esp189 bd The Dark Knight.esp killmove control.esp190 be The Paarthurnax Dilemma.esp191 bf bladeofevilsbane.esp192 c0 bladeofevilsbanedforge.esp193 c1 gifts of the outsider.esp followers keep up.esp194 c2 unarmedcombat.esp195 c3 bladeofevilsbaneskyforge.esp dragonpriestmaskquestmarkers.esp196 c4 faction crossbows.esp197 c5 starwarsblasters.esp198 c6 batcave2.esp199 c7 tallonoverworld.esp200 c8 isilnarsil.esp201 c9 magicka sabers expanded.esp202 ca unobtainableitems.esp throwingweapons.esp203 cb BlackSacramentArmor.esp204 cc shadowscaleset.esp205 cd NewmillerHighHeelsBlck.esp206 ce darth vader in skyrim.esp207 cf saruman the white.esp208 d0 BGtriforce01.esp209 d1 RogueSorceressRetextured.esp210 d2 variahelm.esp211 d3 NewmBikininLatex2.esp212 d4 killmoverandom-100-L.esp213 d5 nocturnal.esp214 d6 SeranaEyeFixGreenEyes.esp215 d7 chief01mastersword.esp NeoDizzySet.esp216 d8 LustmordVampireArmor.esp217 d9 arrowsstick.esp218 da dwarvenmech.esp throwing_weapons_quiver_plugin.esp219 db dr_bandolier.esp220 dc hg.esp221 dd GreenWaterFix_v2withDawnguard.esp222 de greenwaterfix_compatible.esp223 df conjure_chest.esp224 e0 coffredesrossignols30.esp225 e1 mithrandirstaff.esp226 e2 Shiny Catsuits.esp227 e3 breezehome_cellar4.esp228 e4 followernightingaleequipment.esp229 e5 SauronsArmor.esp230 e6 realistic piercing arrows.esp Unik.esp231 e7 Correct Race Height.esp232 e8 BeastFeetAbilities.esp233 e9 blackmarshargonians.esp234 ea playableserana.esp235 eb It's Dangerous to go Alone! Take this.esp236 ec Ordon Sword.esp237 ed ZeldaDress.esp238 ee Bob's Boots CBBE v8.0.esp decap_chance_50.esp catwoman.esp239 ef Neo's Selene.esp240 f0 pullmastry.esp Ranger Outfit.esp241 f1 Edhildils Dominatrix and Purelust.esp242 f2 theeyesofbeauty.esp243 f3 SrAs.esp244 f4 FNISspells.esp245 f5 FNIS.esp246 f6 FNIS_PCEA2.esp247 f7 TKDodge.esp248 f8 alternate start - live another life.esp249 f9 ELFXEnhancer.esp250 fa SarumansTower.esp Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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