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Kill Bill Katana Request (attaching sound triggers)


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This is *kind of a repost*, of the original (see below) mod request, but it's revised - I'm still requesting the katana, but this idea is different, and I think it'll appeal to everybody if any one out there knows how to script it - i sure don't



Is it possible to create a device (stored in the players inventory) which assigns a trigger to play a specific (mp3) track when the player draws his weapon (whether it's a vanilla shotgun or a custom built plasma cannon) and then when the player takes a certain amount of damage the song stops playing?


I'm assuming the trigger would be attached to when the player draws his/her weapon, then the song plays out until the life bar hits a percentage which is defined by the player from the inventory device.


And the mp3 playing would be completely up to the players discretion by dragging and dropping a certain track into the /newvegas/data folder. If Santa Esmeralda isn't their thing ;)



I know this kind of mod is possible with other similar games, but I have no scripting experience with the GECK whatsoever to try it out.


Hi, new member here from the UK.


So, I was sitting back watching Kill Bill for the first time in years, and I was really absorbing the cinematography behind the combat scenes. You know the bit where The Bride draws her weapon, and emotionally charged music starts playing? That's basic cinematography obiviously. But then I got to thinking that a lot of people would have seen that film, and loved the scenes and in all likeihood if they really loved the film when they saw it, then when they hear the song playing when they're out somewhere, it'll remind them of the scene, and give them what the medical professionals refer to as "good vibes".


Then I got to thinking..


How about a Katana Weapon Mod.


Player character draws the sword, and this song plays.


(using the triggers of the musical gun already in Vegas)


And then when the characters health hits 90%, the song stops.




I think it'd represent a "mad dash" of murder, for those players whose sole weapon is a Katana. And a girl.


So what the professional mod designers think about this idea? Anyone have the sand to make my weed induced musings into a reality?





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Yes I think so. The mysterious magnum plays a tune when equipped. But you don't have to have the script attached to a specific weapon. Or if you don't want it attached to a inventory item at all you can have it attached to a quest. As far as the specific tune, I know nothing about mp3's and their use in fallout (but should probably start learning), but I don't think it would be a problem to play a specific file.


You might have to rename the mp3 when you swap it out to the same file name (as named in the script), but other than that I don't see any real problems with your idea. If you want I can take a look at putting it together this weekend (not a scripting guy, so might take a bit of time).

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Yes I think so. The mysterious magnum plays a tune when equipped. But you don't have to have the script attached to a specific weapon. Or if you don't want it attached to a inventory item at all you can have it attached to a quest. As far as the specific tune, I know nothing about mp3's and their use in fallout (but should probably start learning), but I don't think it would be a problem to play a specific file.


You might have to rename the mp3 when you swap it out to the same file name (as named in the script), but other than that I don't see any real problems with your idea. If you want I can take a look at putting it together this weekend (not a scripting guy, so might take a bit of time).


Absolutely! I think people would get a lot of use out of it when they figure out how to make the most out of the music.


I could edit up a handful of "ambient" music to suit the moment if you can figure out how to make the idea work- i've got a huge collection of movie and videogame music and ambient stuff ... as well as Santa Esmeralda ... i think some of the RZA tracks from Kill Bill would work nicely too.


Thanks :)

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Absolutely! I think people would get a lot of use out of it when they figure out how to make the most out of the music.


I could edit up a handful of "ambient" music to suit the moment if you can figure out how to make the idea work- i've got a huge collection of movie and videogame music and ambient stuff ... as well as Santa Esmeralda ... i think some of the RZA tracks from Kill Bill would work nicely too.


Thanks :)


OK so just took a peek at the mysterious magnum and it's not part of a script, simply the equip and unequp sound. So to get started right away we could follow the same formula, but the downside is every weapon that you want to trigger a sound track will have to have it's equip and unequip sound edited to point at your new sound file, not to mention that npc's weapons will do the same thing......so best to use this method on a unique weapon. But if you have a favorite weapon I can do that for you real quick while I work on a better method detailed below. Oh and it looks like anything you want will have to be in ogg format....I don't think fallout does mp3.


So I'll put together a little script, under a start OnStartCombat block, something like;


If player.isweaponout == 1

PlaySound MySoundTrack




that way it will only play when the player draws his/her weapon and is actually in combat at the time. It will still have to be in ogg and still have to renamed to whatever actual soundfile MySoundTrack references.....probably MySoundTrack.ogg. So if you want to swap them out it will be in the data\sound\fx folder. Do you want it attached to a quest script or to an object script for an invisible (to the player) item?


EDIT: also you may want to PM me when you'v replied to this post.....often times I don't get an email when I'm watching a thread.

Edited by devinpatterson
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OK it's done. just unzip the rar into your data directory and tick the mod in FOMM. To replace the soundtrack convert any soundfile to wav format (we have to use this for now, because the playsound command docs say ogg will crash the game) and rename it MySoundTrack.wav


It's in the sounds\fx folder in your data directory.


It's setup to run the script every second (we might need to make it fast since you can kill an opponent in less than a second....in which case the soundtrack may not play). I set three conditions for it too play; 1. player in combat, 2. player has weapon drawn and 3. a "check" so it doesn't play multiple times. It's still possible to have it play in succession if you kill an opponent and sheath then draw your weapon. Or if you enter combat, drop out of combat (ie kill your opponent) then are engaged in combat in rapid succession......but it worked pretty good for me when I play tested it for a few encounters.


I'm going to experiment with ogg formats for playsound as well as mp3 for playsong commands and see if we can get away with a different format than wav.....it's pretty unwieldy.


It's late now, but tomorrow I'll try to write up a description and throw it on Nexus. For now here is a link on media fire.


P.S. it has the jackpot wav file currently as default

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OK it's done. just unzip the rar into your data directory and tick the mod in FOMM. To replace the soundtrack convert any soundfile to wav format (we have to use this for now, because the playsound command docs say ogg will crash the game) and rename it MySoundTrack.wav


It's in the sounds\fx folder in your data directory.


It's setup to run the script every second (we might need to make it fast since you can kill an opponent in less than a second....in which case the soundtrack may not play). I set three conditions for it too play; 1. player in combat, 2. player has weapon drawn and 3. a "check" so it doesn't play multiple times. It's still possible to have it play in succession if you kill an opponent and sheath then draw your weapon. Or if you enter combat, drop out of combat (ie kill your opponent) then are engaged in combat in rapid succession......but it worked pretty good for me when I play tested it for a few encounters.


I'm going to experiment with ogg formats for playsound as well as mp3 for playsong commands and see if we can get away with a different format than wav.....it's pretty unwieldy.


It's late now, but tomorrow I'll try to write up a description and throw it on Nexus. For now here is a link on media fire.


P.S. it has the jackpot wav file currently as default


Nice work!


I took it for a playtest and noticed some problems with the scripts though- the song will play over itself if combat starts and finishes before it's ended, which is going to happen for longer songs. If you remove the combat check in the script this shouldn't happen, and the song will just play itself out after the weapon's been drawn and that'll negate the looping side-effect entirely.


That, and it's more cinematic to draw the weapon and have the music kick in as you sneak up pre-combat.. like this song, which i used to test :)



For the triggers to end the song playing: There should definitely be one. If you know how to do it, have the script check for the end of combat, and then only stop the song if it passes the check and then when the player puts the weapon away. I'm thinking that'd be the easiest way to do it because nobody would want their song ending abruptly if they switch weapons mid-fight.



Also it might be a good idea to release this mod in two versions/optional files. 1) as it is, with the song playing for every weapon the player has, and 2) for the triggers to only fire when a unique weapon is drawn like the wanderers gun. I'll leave the choice of the unique weapon to you.. but a slightly more powerful black hilt Katana would be so very awesome ;)

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It's still possible to have it play in succession if you kill an opponent and sheath then draw your weapon. Or if you enter combat, drop out of combat (ie kill your opponent) then are engaged in combat in rapid succession......but it worked pretty good for me when I play tested it for a few encounters.



I took it for a playtest and noticed some problems with the scripts though- the song will play over itself if combat starts and finishes before it's ended, which is going to happen for longer songs. If you remove the combat check in the script this shouldn't happen, and the song will just play itself out after the weapon's been drawn and that'll negate the looping side-effect entirely.


No, that's a && condition, removing it will cause the sound track to play more often not less. Now, on the other hand, if you want it removed so you don't have to be in combat to start the soundtrack, no problem, easily done.


For the triggers to end the song playing: There should definitely be one.


I'm afraid they don't have any switches or a stopplaysound command in fallout :down: It is possible to have it play a null/silent file, which could have the same effect or no effect at all (the silent wav simply plays along another wav soudn that's already started).....I'll have to experiment and see what it does.


Normally I'd put a counter in there, have it count down the seconds equal to however long the soundtrack is, then set the variable back to 1. But we don't know how long everybody's soundtrack will be, so we can't go that route.


If you know how to do it, have the script check for the end of combat, and then only stop the song if it passes the check and then when the player puts the weapon away.



That's the way it's currently setup.....both of those conditions have to be met before it changes the variable to 1 (and it can't play the soundtrack if the variable is 0). But it's still playing over, simply because you can have a long soundtrack that covers the time it takes a player to drop in and out of combat & sheath his/her weapon many times over.


I can try having it play a silent wav when those two conditions are met as well as changing the var to 1, hoping that would stop the soundtrack when combat ends & your weapon is sheathed, even if it's a 10+ minute track. But I don't think it will work.


I'll also experiment with the playsong command and see if we can get away with using mp3's instead of wav's. I'm betting the playsong command will "bump" any other song playing, unlike the playsound (wav) command. If that's the case then it can be used to play a silent mp3, in effect ending hte players soundtrack. Plus I dont' like the idea of wav files, no one stores their songs that way. I want to remove the hassle of an extra step converting them.




2) for the triggers to only fire when a unique weapon is drawn like the wanderers gun. I'll leave the choice of the unique weapon to you.. but a slightly more powerful black hilt Katana would be so very awesome ;)


We don't know what unique weapons a player has, and of those weapons, which they want their soundtrack attached to so I don't think that one is going to be practical (although if you have one in mind for yourself that's no problem to whip up, just let me know what weapon you want it attached to).


re: a katana, I'm probably going to make a Daikatana for a mod I'm slowly putting together called "Display Weapons in Inventory Alpha", it allows weapons in inventory to be displayed on your players person (currently is't only the brushgun). It's kind of a cool mod because it can/will show two rifles across your back, a gun holstered on each hip (or katana), etc. Right now I'm working on weapons holstered on the back and I wanted to make a Daikatana for that. Should be easy; extend the blade in blender, add to the reach value, decrease speed a little, increase damage a little. Oh and a pair of intertwining dragons on the sheath and blade would be a nice touch.





here's a 45 sec cutdown version of RZA's White Lighting track from the movie, which should serve as a perfect demo tune for MyFirstSoundtrack


I'm afraid we can't bundle any copyrighted material, it'd be a death sentence for the mod. The moderators are pretty clear on this point. But the beauty of allowing the player to overwrite the file with any wav (and hopefully soon mp3) is that you can select any tune on the players end....since it's just for personal use.


But if we bundle anything it has to be from the game files or a public domain/copyright free wav/mp3.

Edited by devinpatterson
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No, that's a && condition, removing it will cause the sound track to play more often not less. Now, on the other hand, if you want it removed so you don't have to be in combat to start the soundtrack, no problem, easily done.


I'd say remove the combat trigger altogether if that's the case and just keep the trigger to activate when the weapon is drawn, otherwise everyone's going to get their music playing constantly and overlapping.


I'm afraid they don't have any switches or a stopplaysound command in fallout :down: It is possible to have it play a null/silent file, which could have the same effect or no effect at all (the silent wav simply plays along another wav soudn that's already started).....I'll have to experiment and see what it does.


Normally I'd put a counter in there, have it count down the seconds equal to however long the soundtrack is, then set the variable back to 1. But we don't know how long everybody's soundtrack will be, so we can't go that route.


I'll also experiment with the playsong command and see if we can get away with using mp3's instead of wav's. I'm betting the playsong command will "bump" any other song playing, unlike the playsound (wav) command. If that's the case then it can be used to play a silent mp3, in effect ending hte players soundtrack. Plus I dont' like the idea of wav files, no one stores their songs that way. I want to remove the hassle of an extra step converting them.


Here's a "10 seconds of silence .wav" for you http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?11s36974gitm5pe if you're able to make that experiment work. In theory it sounds plausible, but if there's literally no way of stopping the MySoundtrack file playing at all -even if another soundfile is activated in its place- then it could be tricky to do. I noticed that the sound stops when the player brings up the pipboy screen, so maybe there's a way to mimic the code that causes that mute- i don't know how to do that myself but in theory it's doable. In theory :)


Although if it's about variables, then you could try setting the maximum time to be something huge like 900 seconds (15 minutes) in order to cover really long songs, then you'd be able to have it reset the activation timer. That'd fix any potential overlapping issues, and it'd force the song to play less frequently.



We don't know what unique weapons a player has, and of those weapons, which they want their soundtrack attached to so I don't think that one is going to be practical.


I meant to say, have two separate versions of the same mod- one of them which plays the sound for every weapon the player draws, and then a second mod which only plays the song when a unique katana is drawn.


The 900 second countdown time would be a nice addition for people who'd be using the "play sound for every weapon" version, so the song would ultimately play the first time they draw a weapon, but they wouldn't have it playing again in a short space of time if they finish combat quickly and take out another weapon. My fear about having it constantly playing is that it'd just end up getting really repetitive- hence the reason i'd only want the sound activating with a unique weapon.


(although if you have one in mind for yourself that's no problem to whip up, just let me know what weapon you want it attached to).


re: a katana, I'm probably going to make a Daikatana for a mod I'm slowly putting together called "Display Weapons in Inventory Alpha", it allows weapons in inventory to be displayed on your players person (currently is't only the brushgun). It's kind of a cool mod because it can/will show two rifles across your back, a gun holstered on each hip (or katana), etc. Right now I'm working on weapons holstered on the back and I wanted to make a Daikatana for that. Should be easy; extend the blade in blender, add to the reach value, decrease speed a little, increase damage a little. Oh and a pair of intertwining dragons on the sheath and blade would be a nice touch.


Well I would love the sound triggers to be attached to a unique (unique in that it doesn't play for every katana in the game) katana for the reasons above. If you're able to make graphics maybe you could mimic the Kill Bill katana (if that's insanely hard to do or too time consuming, a regular katana works just as well), that way we could still have the mod be vaguely marketed to Kill Bill / Samurai fans. That would be a huge bonus.




I actually downloaded the brushgun mod a while ago and forgot about it because I don't use a brushgun at all :) the concept is a good one but I thought at the time it would be really hard to make it display every weapon, since there's so many mods and DLC content, but assuming you're making it for vanilla weapons only there'd eventually be an issue of having multiple weapons of the same type displaying. A potential fix to that future problem would be to have multiple type weapons (which would be in the same body slot) only openly display the weapon with the highest damage level (so if you've got a 9mm and a .45, then only the .45 will display on the spare hip), that could be a doable work around for it (the .22 pistol should never show up though, that's spoil it's ability to be a stealth weapon right ;) ). Actually if you kept it only to pistols and guns in general (excluding tiny knives and crowbars) then the concept would work absolutely beautifully.





I'll scout around and try and find a decent non-copyright track for the demo in the meantime. Good luck with this!

Edited by OneBoredBoredKid
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