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according to teh book Ahzirr Traajijazeri in game enjoy life is Fusozay Var Var

"Fusozay Var Var": "Enjoy Life"


Life is short. If you have not made love recently, please, put down this book, and take care of that with all haste. Find a wanton lass or a frisky lad, or several, in whatever combination your wise loins direct, and do not under any circumstances play hard to get. Our struggle against the colossal forces of oppression can wait.


Good. Welcome back.


We Renrijra Krin live and fight together, and know that Leyawiin and the Empire will not give way very soon, likely not in our lifetimes. In the time we have, we do not want our closest comrades to be dour, dull, colorless, sober, and virginal. If we did, we would have joined the Emperor's Blades.


Do not begrudge us our lewd jokes, our bawdy, drunken nights, our moonsugar. They are the pleasures that Leyawiin denies us, and so we take our good humor very seriously.



Fusozay Var Dar means Kill Without Qualm


through ill give it to you anyway where did you learn khajiit anyway ? cose i jsut riped this straight from teh book not thinking of anything else?

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Sorry, I don't speak fluently. ;)


I just got interested in it one day, and so have looked around and found what I could. That, and the Ahzirr book is pretty neat.


The Translation Dictionary at the Imperial Library has a couple references in it.

The UESP Khajiit Page also lists some. (Scroll down to "Nomenclature")


The question is: What is the native Khajiiti language? (Name)

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Ta'agra I think. This question is taken from a book in Oblivion, the answer is in the book as well. It has a tail, a side and a head, I call it what I call a snake, it has no body and it is dead. What is it?
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