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When he was a child, Potema, the Wolf Queen of Solitude gave him an amulet that slowly drained his intelligence.

As seen in "The Wolf Queen: Book Eight"

It took little persuasion and a lot of gold to convince him to remove the charm spell from the soul gem and imbue it with a powerful curse, a slow poison that would drain wisdom from its wearer year by year until he or she lost all reason.
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It was. I had to read 'The Madness of Pelagius' three times before I noticed the mentions of Potema. Then I had to read through all eight books of 'The Wolf Queen'.


Okay, my question is: Who is the quote "Life is short. If you have not made love recently, please, put down this book, and take care of that with all haste" attributed to?


P.S. This should be quite easy.

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Apparently it's not as easy as you thought Azir

I thought is was easy...


Not quite Iavor, but I'll let you off. It's actually the Renrijra Krin, but tht book is called Ahzirr Trajijazaeri, so I'll let you off.

Your turn!

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