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Magic mods


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Unfortunately, vanilla magic in Skyrim is lacking. Seems to be an issue that was carried over from Oblivion. Weak spells, odd enchant rules, no spell customization (I miss that!) the whole bit. I'm wondering, before I start yet another character, what magic mods you all use and why?
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I use Apocalypse Spell Package and The Art of Magicka. Apocalypse contains a few overpowered spells, but mostly they're utility spells which should have been included in the vanilla game. The featherfall spell which allows you to fall any distance (for 15 seconds) is particularly useful in Skyrim. The Art of Magicka has some questionable design decisions (the person who made it doesn't seem to like the Norse aesthetic, for example, and seems to want to replace everything with the sort of generic sword-and-sorcery designs you find on the cover of bad fantasy novels), but most of it you don't have to use, and there's enough new magic-oriented craftables (like lots and lots and lots of non-armour clothing in every conceivable colour) to make a pure-mage viable and enjoyable.
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