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Lich King Armour.


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dude, i dunno but that would be awsome, i play wow and if somebody could make the tear5 warlock armor, that would rival the lich kings armor in kick-ass-ness.
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Well, first off, it's 'tier 5', secondly, Blizzard enforces heavy copyright laws even on replicas taken from World of Warcraft, Frostmourne/lich king armor set isn't WoW exclusive, so it passes.(WC3 TFT if I remember right, also on books if my memory doesn't completely betray me.=flies just below the radar.) Also if you're looking for a kick-ass looking armor/set from WoW, I could point out several that look much better than the lock t5.(warlock d1, dreadmist regalia, rogue t2, bloodfang set etc.)


Now that I'm done ranting, the amount of details the armor sets in WoW have, makes even trying to copy them extremely hard without a professional level team working on them, jojjo is currently among the very few exceptions that are capable of making high quality replicas and give the WC fans what they want, however, he does need a lot of time for his project to be complete and I have to say I'm thankful for the effort he's putting into it, first-class work. General advice here is to just wait for jojjo to finish his project(It can take some time, but the quality of his work, makes it worth the waiting.) and see what he plans to do next.

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until that happens, if you want a good sub. Try to get pale_riders Gothic 2 paladin armor, it really looks good with the lichking helm. I believe this is also mod that makes the armor shinny also to ever more so match the helm.
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Well, first off, it's 'tier 5', secondly, Blizzard enforces heavy copyright laws even on replicas taken from World of Warcraft


this. Blizzard is very strict.


I remember a group of people were making a Starcraft mod for Warcraft III, and it looked absolutely stunning and worked amazingly well. It wasn't commercial or anything, just fan made and for the public


before it was completely finished Blizzard forced them to stop and shut down the mod project. Pretty harsh considering it's all Blizzard content done on a Blizzard game simply out of fans. There wasn't really any harm, but Blizzard still forced them to stop. Pretty harsh, but just goes to show you how strict they are. I would have understood if it was a mod for some other non-Blizzard game, but it was a Warcraft III mod.


(and god I can't wait for Starcraft 2. looks amazing)

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