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when I go through and found the mods I want to use I can almost get to the menu, but I only get the dragon and continue and everything else does not appear, any idea whats blocking it, what should I do? I know if I do anything with my data folder it never works so that means I can't use mods anymore? sigh... Uninstalled my skyrim so many times now, and updated nmm now I can't get any mods to go through to the menu any tips on what to do, I only really want now 10 mods and only those 10, but I can't seem to get it to work, I can go through the game like normal but when I come when the menu should show only the dragon appears, any tips on what to do ? I don't understand that the only thing wrong with when I want to play is the data folder. My guess is that I won't be able to make mods work anymore. I also have tracelog problem, should I have a lot of tracelogs? I was thinking of deleting them. Is it okay to do that? Edited by Deathssavior1577
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