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Request for a quest: A player owned tavern


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Hi all. I was wondering if anyone out there knows of or is interested in making a player owned (either buyable or winable by quest) tavern. It would be just like the other taverns in Skyrim (have a barkeep, customers, etc.) but would also have an extra room in a basement that would be your home. Plus, it would generate profits that you could collect at regular intervals. It would also be great if you could rename it. I thought of this mod for Skyrim because I had already seen it, in Morrowind. It is called "The Broken Drum" (http://morrowind.nexusmods.com/mods/1033/) and it was one of my favorite mods, as I lke to play as a bard. Creating a fully working and inhabited tavern would be quite a bit of work, so I thought that the easiest way would be to design a mod that would allow you to purchase an already existing tavern in Skyrim, and keep on the current owner as help. You'd have to pay a large amount of gold up front to buy it, and the gold you got each month in profits would be somewhat small (to account for wages, inventory and taxes), so it shouldn't be overwhelming to the gameplay balance. Thoughts?
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I've been thinking about something like this for quite a while. Except something along the lines of Mike Hancho's epic, amazing, oh-so-cool "New Bison Steve Hotel & Lucky Casino" from FONV. For anyone unfamiliar with that mod, you meet a guy across the street from a rundown, thug-infested, ex-hotel and casino his dad used to run. He sends you on various adventures to find various things to rebuild the place (casino equipment, grills, furniture, art, find another guy and arrange for a lighting shipment etc etc) and bit by bit (you can pop in and see the progress as it goes along) the place gets rebuilt until it's a fully functioning hotel and casino. With a player home in the back. (Along with a more grandiose player home you find during one of the quests). The various mod quests meshed nicely with the game quests. A share of the profits is waiting for you every week.


In particular, I was thinking of that "sabrecat inn" or whatever it's called in Fort Dunstead (I think - the one on the way to Dawnstar). Though it's a little small, but I guess the downstairs the part of the pub you have to rebuile. And it's part of the CW quest too, though it doesn't seem soldiers hang out in the Inn at all. With part of the castle being maybe part of the hotel you have to build.

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