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Help for completly UNINSTALL skyrim (for clean reinstall)


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Hi there,


Strange behavior of steam re-installation tehre.

I install enderal few days ago. After some mods and doing wrong things with skyrim.ini and pref.ini, I choose do uninstall then reinstall everything.

Via steam I unistall skyrim, then delete doc/games/skyrim folder too.

But when I choose to reinstall skyrim via steam button, this morning I discover that enderal was also reinstall INSIDE skyrim folder (and ICBINE 3 by the way ) ; HOW IS IT POSSIBLE???

How steam can reinstall something that it is not have do to with (my enderal is not from steam at all, because it is french translation one).


How is it possible ton uninstall skyrim ? Is there a cache for that on my computer ?

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