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Vampire lord skillpoint distribution


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I love the vampire lord from dawngaurd and I had a question about the vampire and werewolf skill points. When you hit the soft cap at lvl 50 do skill points level slower to gain them all or do you have to choose wich skill points you want most over the transformation skills. So basically can you still get them all. Edited by danj12
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There is no soft level cap at 50, number one.


Number two, vampire and werewolf skill points are not affected by your current level at all. It is purely based on the number of werewolf/vampire perks you have already received, also they are not based in experience at all, either. They are generated purely by feeding (in the case of Vampire, you have to feed as a transformed Vampire Lord, a normal vampire "feeding" won't do anything).

Edited by DaedalusMachina
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