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Suggestions by Carbon


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Bunch of misc. requests

when opening doors in third person, the player kicks it open instead of it just swinging out.

Tunnel-Snakes jacket with 80 DR, +2 to all SPECIALs and +20 to all skills. replace logo with three crowns image below. (female)

Elite riot armor from FONV: lonesome road without the sneak effect. 60 dr and 10 dr (armor and helmet)

9mm pistol from NV with 100 damage

dual wield of the above pistols

display amount of health below health bars on HUD (both player and enemies) along with dr

Super Gatling gun (50 damage per hit, less spread,higher fire rate, no reload)

New follower (Male, named Dante, tall, Caucasian, red hair(waster), has 20mm auto cannon (300 rpm, 60 damage) doesn't die)

fast travel from inside

Rooftop garden on Tenpenny tower (fast travel, lots of safe storage, bed, work bench, pretty looking, random person from the game that you've killed that has a name will visit once an hour and talk to you.) Bed in small metal shack with lockers and a kitchen.

new follower (cat, grayish with stripes on back, named "Mare Ritt", scratches at enemies, 10 damage, doesn't die)

accurate, semi auto missile launcher (50 damage)

200 damage sniper rifle

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