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So I've been trying to edit quest rewards. I want to make a mod for myself which edits the Dark Brotherhood contracts quest rewards (DBSideContract01, DBSideContract02...), the unique ones as well as the recurring ones (DBRecurring), and the bounty quests you get from stewards and inns (BQ01, BQ02, BQ03, BQ04).


I want the rewards to give a specific item instead of gold, let's for example say the item I want is IronSword.


How would I go about doing this? Can't seem to find it anywhere on the internet.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

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  • 2 months later...

Somewhere in the quests, probably as a fragment on one of the stages, there'll be a bit of script that adds an item to a player. Find out where, what property is filling it, and modify either the property or the script or both as needed.

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