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Beast race texture bug makes character`s body pink


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As the title say I have a problem with beast race textures. All started after reinstalling mods. When I went into the game my khajiit`s body was almost whole pink/magenta (except head, which was normal). Equiping armor or clothes changes nothing. The body under it is still pink.

In addition when I went for a trial to College of Winterhold, every human race NPC was unharmed. Only argonian had a pink tail (just tail). When I killed and undressed her, she became completelly invisible (expect tail, which was still visible and pink).

List of my mods connected witch characters and their textures:

-FNIS Behavior 7_4_5-11811-7-4-5

-Netimmerse Override v-3-4-4-37481-3-4-4

-RaceMenu v3-4-5-29624-3-4-5

-GenericRaceController v1-3-10165-1-3

-Khajiit earrings-8624-1

-Khajiit ears -46813-1-1

-Khajiit eyes plus - khajiit heterohromia and more

-Khajiit hair v2-0-67873-2-0

-Pretty Khajiit - 17040-2-0

-RaceCompatibility with fixes

-UNP BASE Main body V1dot2-6709

-UNP _khajiit_texture-12144-1-0

I`m using NMM and LOOT. I`m sorting my plugins and finding no errors. Starting a new game also didn`t helped. I even uninstalled all mods above and tried again without them, but characters wasn`t fixed.

I suppose that game textures might be damaged or something like that. Althugh I have no idea how to fix it. Please help me if you know any solution. I also would be pleased if I didn`t have to reinstall a whole game.

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