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Overly aggressive rad roach


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I downloaded the rad roach companion, because I am an alchestbreach fan and wanted Steve, but this mod is buggy so Ive been slowly fixing it up myself. I have already added a teleporter for Steve, but what I can't figure out is why he attacks innocent npcs. So far he attacks the ncr at the strip and some people at boulder city bar. I saw somewhere that unchecking the aggro behavior or something in the geck should fix it, but I did that and it didn't work, so I we wondering if anybody knows what could fix this? Thanks!
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Besides the factions and aggro radius, make sure aggression is either non aggressive or just aggressive. If the setting is 'very aggressive', then it will attack actors even if their faction is neutral.


In the 'hiring' script, you can set it up with the standard follower factions:


MyRadRoachREF.SetPlayerTeamMate 1
MyRadRoachREF.AddToFaction TeamMateFaction 1
MyRadRoachREF.AddToFaction FollowerFaction 1
MyRadRoachREF.AddToFaction DonTazeMeBroFaction 1
MyRadRoachREF.SetAV Aggression 1 ;or 0 for less aggressive
MyRadRoachREF.SetAV Confidence 4 ;or 3 for just 'brave'

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