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Weapons cut into hip of character, please advise (SE)


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Alright, I have been struggling with this for three days now before coming to ask for help. At first I though it was a mod, body replacer, FNIS, etc so I started systematically removing mods to find the reason for it happening. After three days of dealing with this I ended up removing every last mod then finally, as a last resort I even turned off Mod Organizer and fired up the game with NOTHING but the SKSE64 loader.


The problem persists. I will share a screenshot of the issue in the attachments. I am about to redownload the entire game I guess but I would like to ask, is this an issue with the base game? Or how it is supposed to look? I don't recall such a problem with Oldrim and with mods such as the XP32 skeleton replacer and FNIS the issue gets even worse.


It can be corrected for the player using the sliders for XP32 and racemenu but on NPC's it persists... For someone like myself who is rather OCD about things like this its kinda a real problem. Any advice would be greatly appreciated, thanks in advance.


Edit: Since posting this I have deleted my skyrim ini's and started the game with the vanilla Steam launcher (ruling out SKSE) and the issue still occurs. I guess its just a base game problem?

Edited by Murielkai
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