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Hold Position = Stand there and die?


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In Skyrim, New Vegas, hell in any game that makes even a lick of sense followers will still defend themselves when told to wait. Yet for reasons that make sense to absolutely no one Bethesda decided to make the Stay command = turn off all AI. So any follower you tell to stay put or hold position will literally do nothing while the enemy kills them.

Can someone please tell me that there is a fix for this and provide a link?



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I used that as a cheat once. I was just fresh out of Vault and Dogmeat and I stumbled upon a bear and somehow manuverd it into a house, i got out and told Dogmeat to stay at the door step. The bear didn't move after that, just stomping in place growling. I think the AI bugged as i was the target but pathing wasn't possible since Dogmeat was in the way and could not get to me. I killed it bit by bit. Yes, in survival mode of course. It's rather hard recreating it since companions are as responsive to "go here, stay" as it gets...
... 10+ years ago...

... from 2 prequels.


But hey, they don't trip traps anymore.

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