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Bug Mech - 100 ton "report me"


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Hi. Thanks for the reply.


I don't run mods normally. I added just the Roguetech mod to enhance the game. It is the only mod I have on top of the actual battletech game. That I have the flashpoint addition but I doubt that is a factor in troubleshooting this.


I have to say I really enjoy being able to play the entire inner sphere. There are so many different mechs out there that I just can't see why some turd would feel they need to ruin it by making mechs you cannot play against. Just dumb to ruin the Mod like that.

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I found the culprit in Rogue Mech's folder.
It is a variant of the Shadow Hawk.
First I tried to delete these entries.
However, this didn't work because no enemies appeared during combat missions and the missions couldn't be completed.
So I overwrote the mech with the data of a locust.
This is only a temporary solution but you can play until the actual bug will hopefully be fixed soon.

A cynical remark out of anger:
Which idiot provides armour and armament for errors?

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator

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