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question about load order in wrye bash


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hi, im still new to wrye bash, but im pretty good with moding...


in wrye bash, when you look at your load order with the full balo on;

am i supposed to insert my mods in the grayed out areas?


for ex.

early in the list you should see ++ROOT.esp, then ++LIBRARY.esp, and ++LIBRARY+1.esp, and so on....


i instlled a simple clothing mod, and the balo automatically put it in a clothing group.....

am i supposed to manually do this to all my mods? put them in the grayed out area?


also, at the very end of the list ther is the ++LAST-1.esp, ++LAST.esp, and ++LAST+1.esp,

do i set my last .esp (bashed patch, 0.esp) right under ++LAST.esp? and if so does my (DeadlyReflex- combat moves.esp) go after the "bash patch" or under the ++LAST+1.esp???


i hope thats not confusing.... thanks for your time, i appreciate it

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I tried using the full balo method when I first started using Wrye Bash, but it can be a real pain in the posterior. For load order, don't use balo at all, instead download FCOMhelper. This quickly( a couple of seconds) puts your load order into a correct position. Also, go ahead and DL the updated F order list also available on the following link. The Helper is the 37kb download and the updated list is the 41kb. The helper uses the list when it moves everything into the correct order. Only thing. After you've used it, redate the bashed patch so it loads last, as the helper moves it before mods it can't identify(i.e. newer mods). After using the FCOM helper/loader, you'll notice all your mods on Wrye Bash have moved into correct positions except the Bashed Patch.




Use Wrye Bash for just about everything else except, of course, making stuff into OMODS. FOr that, use the Oblvion Mod Manager. I just wish Wrye Bash could do this, then I wouldn't need the Mod manager at all.


and yes, after reading up on everything, deadly reflex should go AFTER the bashed patch due to it's conflicts. Deadly Reflex is just too much of a problem child, though. I've helped numerous people in countless threads who have trouble with this one. I instead use locational combat together with it's damage text download. Why? does the same thing, with a few more cool effects without all the bugs.


http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=11732 for locational combat

http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=12028 for the damage text

http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=11820 for locational combat blood retexture

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thanks for the info....


yeah, i spent all night reading and figuring it out (wrye bash). and once you figure it out, it seems really cool (what can i say, i enjoy mods).


i had all my mods in that "none" group, but sitll in ther FCOM suggested load order, and i was still able to play. now i hope with each mod in there retrospective group and still in the fcom load order, every thing works out...


about Locational Damage, it sounds really cool, i use deadly reflexes to cut heads off, shield bash, and mounted combat. is there a way to combine the two?



oh and, on wrye bash, how do i change the loading date or date on a mod. like for the bash patch?

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Locational Damage does all that, with decapitations and chances for "horrible criticals"...which can result in completely cutting an enemy in half. It doesn't have anything for horse combat. I don't use the horses as I like exploring the countryside too much, so it doesn't effect me.


With Locational, you aim for vulnerable spots. ....trust me, you hit them squarely in the nads, and you'll know it....first few times made me cringe, but you get used to it eventually. Makes me almost wonder why the opponent doesn't turn green.


to change date, right click on the file you wish to change. Go to file arrow and then down to redate. To do it quickly, go to the last 2 digits of the year, highlight them and put 2011 or higher or whatever.

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cool, cool... i remember using that combo mod for morrowind... thats funny....


about the REDATE, my "++LAST" mods already have a 2020 date! should i still change them? and or should i change the deadly reflex mod to 2021?? and were exactly do i change the date, i hit the redate but nothing happend. do i change it were it says "Modified: 3/15/2020 2:02:00 AM"???


again, thanks for the help

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