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After playing through this game several times I find that the training is somewhat lacking. I agree that the 5 training sessions per level is fine but when one has accumulated enough points to advance through several levels at one time you miss 5 training sessions per level on the multiple level advances. When my character first came into this game I somehow accumulated enough points to advance through 8 levels and because of the multiple levels advanced through I missed the opportunity for the training on 7 of the 8 levels. There has to be a way for the missed sessions to add up and be allowed and accumulated for training at the end of the multilevel advance. For 8 levels there would have been a total of 40 training sessions accumulated but only 5 of them are allowed because in the process of leveling up there is no opportunity to stop the level advance to allow for training in each subsequent level until the end of the total level up process. In this instance I lost 35 training sessions.


Can anyone think of a way to fix the training to allow for this kind of leveling?


Can this be adjusted to compensate for the loss of training sessions?

Edited by Redbeard007
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