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Weather Mods and other NPC's


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Now, I enjoy a good snow storm, rain / thunder storm and foggy days, in real life and in Skyrim.


But ..........


I noticed that NPC, especially enemy types, are NOT affected by the weather, especially when it comes to seeing me in a snow storm, rain storm or fog.


It is very strange how they can hone in on me, with little to no effort.


Now, before you jump ... I can be crouched, behind a tree and sometimes even using an invisible spell ..... and yet, with all the fog and/or snow and/or heavy rain .... I'm seen and attacked.


I did ask a few other fellow Dovahkiin players and they shared my ' lamentations ' on this. So it's not just ' me ' .....


Does anyone know if this even a possible fix or is the script / math just more complicated than it is worth to ' fix '???


Just a rant, because the other day, it happened again. I was not moving, crouched behind a tree, no spells or weapons drawn ... just ' taking notes ' on my plan of attack and ZAP, arrows started flying towards me.

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