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The Walking Dead ~ Decaying Mod


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So I was thinking.. what if there was a walking dead mod for Oblivion, and once you killed a living being in the game, preferably a humanoid, maybe animals, they were decayed over a 10-30min period until they became a zombie of their former self. Every zombie retains the armor, weapons and things of their former self and if they still have a weapon can attack people with it. Now you could do the actual decay of the real person (although that would take a painstakingly amount of texturing and transferring of textures) or just have them turn into a full zombie (Head, Body, Arms, everything unless they are like a one armed person ;D) in like a poof of smoke or something cooler like a slow transformation similar to the vampire transformation. Now when they are transformed, they will become super aggressive and just wander the same rout that they took when they were alive (or if you are a good coder wander the world) and they will try and kill everything they can find. They are very strong, very slow, and are hard to kill and everyone who see's them attacks them but has a 15% chance of being infected everytime the zombie hits them.. but they drop a vial of poison (Or some ingredient to make a poison) that would be mod created that is very strong health taker. The poison could probably be worth a ton of money as well, at least several hundred a vial. Now if possible, the last thing that would probably very hard to make is if the player could be infected and would become a zombie and then would have to find a cure. They would become very slow, very strong, and an instant person magnet... although the person would have a drawn blade and would be charging at them to lop their head off :P Even horses try to kill zombies so don't try mounting them either (zombies shouldn't be allowed to mount). Also, the zombie should be given a set carry weight of 500. Other than that, I have no more ideas, if anyone would dedicate time to make this... I would worship them for life. +_+
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  • 3 weeks later...
It would be awesome to have a zombie apocalypse. Idea! Have an alternate Main Quest storyline, where instead of Kvatch being destroyed by daedra, it is overflowing with zombies! Add that with your proposed mod, and you could be the last living being in the world. And then find the cure, and coat your arrows with it.
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