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SKSE. Can't get it startet


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Hey. I have installed SKSE and since I'm really bad at installing stuff like that did I use a really good tutorial that explained it all (link longer down). And in the end of the video the guy said I should check if SKSE was installed correct by going into the game and pressing "§" and write "GetSKSEVersion" I did that and it was the correct version. But... when I then tried to start a new game I pressed the "new game" and it came wit that little ruahh! think and it all was normal.. but the loading screen just continue and didn't get anywhere from there I had to manually stop the game. I uninstalled SKSE and tried again, but the same thing.


I have NMM and many mods installed but I don't think that can cause it.

I have installed it here: Games(D) Steam, SteamApps, Common, Skyrim.



(watch it if you really want to help :3) I did every thing he said. But there was one thing I didn't do. He said there were 2 ways to install it on and I choose the one where I had to overwrite some files. I only did that because I simply didn't have the option the do the NMM thing.


I don't know what more I shall say to help but if I missed anything please tell me. I really want to start playing this game again.



English is not my main language.

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