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Vortex does't have permission


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My best guess is that the file is being used by another process (such as the game, according to the message). When does that message occur? What are you trying to do in Vortex when it gives you that message?


Make sure the file is not in use by another application i.e. try doing what you were doing first thing after a PC restart.


Alternatively, it could be that the file has been marked as read-only, which would be odd.

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The graphics based, pluginless mods should absolutely work, seeing how they are correctly deployed.


As for Quickloot: it requires MGE XE https://www.nexusmods.com/morrowind/mods/41102


as well as MWSE-lua beta branch https://nullcascade.com/mwse/mwse-dev.zip (and I think for that one you need to install the regular MWSE first: https://www.nexusmods.com/morrowind/mods/45468 )


Some other mods in your list, such as "Glow in the Dahrk" require MGE XE and MWSE as well.

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