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Shiping Business


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Not a bad idea, and with how a lot of Skyrims waters are unblocked (unlike oblivion) it seems more possible. But the only problem being when you hit waterfalls or shallow rivers. But if you stuck to just the oceanside, that yeah, this is very doable.
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oh! well thats just lovely. Glad to see it was not forgotten. Just want to make sure people get to see the idea. I see so many rather silly ideas here, hate to see half decent ones get buried lol.



Yeah it just seems that those kind of immersion mods are not the most popular or they are targeting only a specific kind of users,which make it buried easily :/. I hope we can get to see more of those kind of mods in the future.

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  • 1 month later...

Not a bad idea, and with how a lot of Skyrims waters are unblocked (unlike oblivion) it seems more possible. But the only problem being when you hit waterfalls or shallow rivers. But if you stuck to just the oceanside, that yeah, this is very doable.


Actually I was not really considering the idea of physical moving boats. Althoughh with Dragoborn that might be possible, I was thinking more along the lines of management, with everything happening off-screen to maintain the plauseability of this actually happening lol.

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  • 4 months later...

Hey so, figured I would check in on this, see if anyone still remembers or cares about this concept. I really REALLY enjoyed this idea, and figure you can totally add Solstheim into the Mod since it's an Island, which requires ships!

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