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Scripting Error


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Scriptname HW:ControlBob extends ObjectReference

Actor Property Bob Auto

Message Property AAMenu Auto

ObjectReference Property XMark01 Auto

Event OnActivate(ObjectReference akActionRef)




Function Menu(int aButton = 0)

aButton = AAMenu.show()

If aButton == 0

ElseIf aButton == 1

Function PathToReference()

Bob.PathToReference(XMark01, 0.9)




So I'm learning how to script, my goal of this script is to use an activator to bring up a menu that gives two options: cancel and leave the menu, and move actor Bob to the xmarker across the room.

Right now I'm getting these two errors:

(17,2): mismatched input 'Function' expecting ENDIF and

(20,1): missing EndOfFile at 'EndIf'

Thanks if theres any help

Edited by foot89790
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Functions cannot be created inside other functions. Move your PathToReference() function (and rename it) outside of your Menu function.

Could you write out an example? I don't know how to keep the pathtoreference function within the if statement while excluding it from the menu function.

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Here you go:

Scriptname HW:ControlBob extends ObjectReference
Actor Property Bob Auto
Message Property AAMenu Auto
ObjectReference Property XMark01 Auto
Event OnActivate(ObjectReference akActionRef)

Function BobPathtoReference()
   Bob.PathToReference(XMark01, 0.9)
Function Menu(int aButton = 0)
	aButton = AAMenu.show()
	If aButton == 0

	ElseIf aButton == 1
Edited by Reneer
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Okay so I altered it slightly so if the actor (Bob) walks to the xmarker (Xmark01), you can hit the menu button again so he walks back to where he originally was (XMark02). I included the script below. It seems to compile correctly but simply doesn't work in-game, the actor walks to XMark01 but when I hit the button again he just stays where he is and doesn't move.
Scriptname HW:ControlBob extends ObjectReference
Actor Property Bob Auto
Message Property AAMenu Auto
ObjectReference Property XMark01 Auto
ObjectReference Property XMark02 Auto
Event OnActivate(ObjectReference akActionRef)
Function BobPathtoReference()
Bob.PathToReference(XMark01, 0.9)
Function Menu(int aButton = 0)
aButton = AAMenu.show()
If aButton == 0
ElseIf aButton == 1
If Bob.GetDistance(Xmark01) < 2
Bob.PathtoReference(XMark02, 0.9)
Bob.PathtoReference(XMark01, 0.9)



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Okay so I altered it slightly so if the actor (Bob) walks to the xmarker (Xmark01), you can hit the menu button again so he walks back to where he originally was (XMark02). I included the script below. It seems to compile correctly but simply doesn't work in-game, the actor walks to XMark01 but when I hit the button again he just stays where he is and doesn't move.

2 a.u. are nothing for that matter. NPCs hardly ever reach exactly the spot.

If Bob.GetDistance(Xmark01) < 2
try to change this to:

If Bob.GetDistance(Xmark01) < 256

p.s. Calling Game to re-evaluate his AI stack here might be a good idea too.

Bob.PathtoReference(XMark02, 0.9)
Edited by werr92
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