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Black Magic or Spell content


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Hello every one.

Firstly, my English is not good :(, sorry about that.

I request a new spell type, shadow or black magic. I have seen tons of amazing magic mods in Skyrim Nexus.

However, I could not find any shadow or black mage mod. There are a few necromancer mods out there and those mods are more focused on minions rather than player.


My idea of shadow spell is more focused on player. For a great example Chaos Sorcerer in Warhammer series.

I think the black flame effects from spectral warriors and Death Thrall spell projectile can create great dark magic projectile.


Here is my idea for the spells. (adding spells in Destruction school)




Shadow bolt: Minor damage and slow the victim.

Black armor: Increase poison and disease resist.

Ruin: Decrease victim's damage and health




Siphon Soul: Drain minor portion of victim's life and magicka.

Will of darkness: Increase caster's stamina and health regeneration for a short amount of time.

Shadow mines: Create a shadow mine that trigger knock back and deal damage to victim.




Soul armor: Increase magic resist.

Doom bolt: Cast a black sphere that deals splash damage (dual casting will create 3 spheres)

Nightmare: Cast nightmare upon victim. Victim will flee and loss stamina and magicka





Soul strike: Massive damage on single and absorb health from victim (death thrall projectile) (dual cast will stag the victim )

Shadow flame: The victim suffers from black flame over time and flee ( huge monsters do not flee, ex: giant and dragon)

Shackles of shadow: Bind the victim's shadow on the ground and immobilized it. ( cannot cast on large target )




Eradication: Deal massive damage around you and the victims will be caught in black flame. ( same as fire storm but darker effect)




It is a really cheesy idea. :D

However, I really want to see some decent dark sorcerer's spells instead of classic elements spells.


Hopefully, this idea appeal to great modders in Nexus.



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