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?? - No spell.GetBaseCost()? Anyone know a work around?


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I'm making a mod that allows players to cast spells using The Voice (freeing up hands for weapon-based combat, but sacrificing your ability to use shouts). I've got it mostly working (custom shout casts spells appropriately and cooldown works and everything), but I have no way to determine the magicka cost of the spell the player just shout-cast other than by hard-coding in the cost of every spell in the game and subtracting (no SpellTheyCast.GetBaseCost() function). Lame!

Spells are cast using the .cast(Game.GetPlayer()) functionality.

Also, hard-coding would make it so that spells from other mods would no longer be compatible so I really want to avoid that.


Anyone think of/know a work around?

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How about a script that causes the amount of damage dealt to the target is also dealt to the player, as in a no-hands warrior spell costs the warrior health instead of magicka? How much/how often the player can cast depends on basically health and risk.


Just tryin to think outside the box.


I personally would love to sacrifice shouts for no hands spells, since I refuse to start the main quest line and therefore can't use shouts anyway.

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The Cast() function doesnt return the spell cost, I am also having this issue with my flying mod, right now what I do is consume a % of the player's health and stamina until SKSE brings some function to do the trick. Also we need function to get enchanments, check for perks and all that.
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Figured it out!

The newest version of SKSE includes a spell.GetMagickaCost() function so I can just use that. Yay!

Not sure if this function was included in previous versions of SKSE, but build 1.5.10 has it. http://skse.silverlock.org/

The new SKSE version also has a function that lets you check for perks associated with the spell and, with enough workarounds, I bet we can now charge the player an appropriate amount.

Thanks for the replies.

Edited by mountainmover88
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OK!! Found out a way to get the equipped armor pieces, using the GetWornForm() function, now to figure out how to get the enchants :/

Edit: Hell yeah (Player.GetWornForm(4) as armor).GetEnchantment())

Edit2: This is going to take a lot of code lol, I will post the function later.

Edit3: Finished the function for Restoration and Destruction spells, its missing the enchant for the ring because my mod works by equipping a ring.


Here is the code:

Function GetRLCost()
curLeft = Player.GetEquippedSpell(1)
curRight = Player.GetEquippedSpell(0)
SpellPerkL = curLeft.GetPerk()
SpellPerkR = curRight.GetPerk()
magickacostl = curLeft.GetMagickaCost()
magickacostr = curRight.GetMagickaCost()

chestEnchant = (Player.GetWornForm(4) as armor).GetEnchantment()
bootsEnchant = (Player.GetWornForm(80) as armor).GetEnchantment()
handsEnchant = (Player.GetWornForm(8) as armor).GetEnchantment()
helmetEnchant = (Player.GetWornForm(2) as armor).GetEnchantment()
AmuletEnchant = (Player.GetWornForm(20) as armor).GetEnchantment()

if Player.HasPerk(SpellPerkL)
	magickacostl = magickacostl / 2
if Player.HasPerk(SpellPerkR)
	magickacostr = magickacostr / 2
while i < chestEnchant.GetNumEffects()
	i += 1
	if chestEnchant.GetNthEffectMagicEffect(i).GetName() == "Fortify Destruction"
		magickacostr = magickacostr - ((magickacostr*chestEnchant.GetNthEffectMagnitude(i))/100)
		magickacostl = magickacostl - ((magickacostl*chestEnchant.GetNthEffectMagnitude(i))/100)
	if chestEnchant.GetNthEffectMagicEffect(i).GetName() == "Fortify Restoration"
		magickacostr = magickacostr - ((magickacostr*chestEnchant.GetNthEffectMagnitude(i))/100)
		magickacostl = magickacostl - ((magickacostl*chestEnchant.GetNthEffectMagnitude(i))/100)
i = 0
while i < bootsEnchant.GetNumEffects()
	i+= 1
	if bootsEnchant.GetNthEffectMagicEffect(i).GetName() == "Fortify Destruction"
		magickacostr = magickacostr - ((magickacostr*chestEnchant.GetNthEffectMagnitude(i))/100)
		magickacostl = magickacostl - ((magickacostl*chestEnchant.GetNthEffectMagnitude(i))/100)
	if BootsEnchant.GetNthEffectMagicEffect(i).GetName() == "Fortify Restoration"
		magickacostr = magickacostr - ((magickacostr*chestEnchant.GetNthEffectMagnitude(i))/100)
		magickacostl = magickacostl - ((magickacostl*chestEnchant.GetNthEffectMagnitude(i))/100)
i = 0
while i < handsEnchant.GetNumEffects()
	i+= 1
	if handsEnchant.GetNthEffectMagicEffect(i).GetName() == "Fortify Destruction"
		magickacostr = magickacostr - ((magickacostr*chestEnchant.GetNthEffectMagnitude(i))/100)
		magickacostl = magickacostl - ((magickacostl*chestEnchant.GetNthEffectMagnitude(i))/100)
	if handsEnchant.GetNthEffectMagicEffect(i).GetName() == "Fortify Restoration"
		magickacostr = magickacostr - ((magickacostr*chestEnchant.GetNthEffectMagnitude(i))/100)
		magickacostl = magickacostl - ((magickacostl*chestEnchant.GetNthEffectMagnitude(i))/100)
i = 0
while i < HelmetEnchant.GetNumEffects()
	i+= 1
	if HelmetEnchant.GetNthEffectMagicEffect(i).GetName() == "Fortify Destruction"
		magickacostr = magickacostr - ((magickacostr*chestEnchant.GetNthEffectMagnitude(i))/100)
		magickacostl = magickacostl - ((magickacostl*chestEnchant.GetNthEffectMagnitude(i))/100)
	if HelmetEnchant.GetNthEffectMagicEffect(i).GetName() == "Fortify Restoration"
		magickacostr = magickacostr - ((magickacostr*chestEnchant.GetNthEffectMagnitude(i))/100)
		magickacostl = magickacostl - ((magickacostl*chestEnchant.GetNthEffectMagnitude(i))/100)
i = 0
while i < AmuletEnchant.GetNumEffects()
	i+= 1
	if AmuletEnchant.GetNthEffectMagicEffect(i).GetName() == "Fortify Destruction"
		magickacostr = magickacostr - ((magickacostr*chestEnchant.GetNthEffectMagnitude(i))/100)
		magickacostl = magickacostl - ((magickacostl*chestEnchant.GetNthEffectMagnitude(i))/100)
	if AmuletEnchant.GetNthEffectMagicEffect(i).GetName() == "Fortify Restoration"
		magickacostr = magickacostr - ((magickacostr*chestEnchant.GetNthEffectMagnitude(i))/100)
		magickacostl = magickacostl - ((magickacostl*chestEnchant.GetNthEffectMagnitude(i))/100)

Edited by porroone
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