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A Bad Hair Day


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Howdy, Nexus folks. I've been having pretty much an all-out war with a hairstyle I've modded into the game for my character. After a lot of prodding around the Internet for tutorials, and my own trial and error, I was 99% successful in implementing it, but encountered a problem that's proven to be incredibly resistant. I've looked all over for solutions, but have found nothing helpful, so I decided to stop on by and see if someone could give me a hand.


See, the problem I'm having is that the hair is quite translucent, when the alpha blending is set to 4845. I can see the background through it, and if it's positioned over water, the hair becomes completely transparent (except for where the head is). Switching off blending resolves this somewhat, but the effect is still partly there, as I can see shadows on background objects through the hair. This applies even if the hair's textures are disabled.


I haven't been able to figure out what exactly the problem is, since everything I've tried has just brought me right back around to the same obstacle, so if anyone knows what's going on here and what needs to be done to fix it, I'd really appreciate the help.

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Aye, that I have, and yet it didn't solve the problem. I should mention, I am using an ENB, but I don't think it's the culprit here since I have a custom hair pack I downloaded, and the hairs in that don't have this problem, they even use the 4845 blending.
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  • 2 weeks later...
Well, I've managed to solve one part of the problem, though I still get transparency with the hair set to use soft alpha. I discovered switching off the Decal shader flag fixed the problem for unblended hair, though not for the blended hair. I think what I'm going to have to do in order to fully resolve the issue is tweak the mesh so the hair strands aren't so close to each other, since I figure the ultimate culprit is the hair geometry intersecting, resulting in the alpha blending going bananas.
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