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made a fun character and want to share


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HI there. I'm a noob, but not completely silly (I hope).


I recently spend quite a long time buiding a female character using the Temptress race, and a fair few mods. I think she'd appeal to more people than just myself, depending on how 'lore heavy' you are or not. She's rather elfen and red-headed and loves her Kitana. Anyway, the question really is: without ruining my game, is there a way to take 'her' and copy her and the upload her to the Nexus so people could use her as their own?


I rather think there must be a way to do this, but there is no way I'm going to fol around and likely wreck what I've done so far. Anyone patient out there who could be a guide?


Just a notion.

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This isn't really the right place for your thread, but I'll answer it anyway.


Just upload your save file (preferably with as early a start as possible) to the Saved Games category on Skyrimnexus.

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