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Can I put in a request for a new Follower?


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Ok! This is a request for a follower, (I know, there are tons of follower mods on Nexxus) but I doubt this has ever been done before.


I think I've got a little over 1800 Hrs invested in Skyrim (Legendary-maybe more) and I recently started up again. In every play-through, I always hated this Imperial Captain who sends you to your death without so much as a thought. Anyway, you follow Ralof up the tower, (how'd he get his hands untied?) and jump across to the other building and from there you follow Hadvar around to the guards quarters. Then it gets interesting. I always followed Hadvar in the second door. In fact, I didn't even know that there was an alternate start until this last play. I never realized that you can go in either door. Once inside you loot Gundars body for clothes and a weapon; but, when you near the other gate, you see these 2 Imperials approaching and one of them is this Imperial Capitan. They open the gate, enter and start trying to kill you. I would like to make this coldhearted "B", into a follower/prisoner.


Here's what I'm thinking. I'd like to change her ugly appearance to be more beautiful, (she's really not very attractive inside or out) and doing this, would contrast quite nicely with being ugly inside. During the fight, once she loses to you she yields, where you can either end her life or make her your prisoner.


"Yeah B, it's payback B. You will obey me, now! You will carry all my Sh-tuff, fight by my side, even give your life for me, and be a perfect little companion/follower type person in every way. I may release you from bondage, I may not! Maybe I'll even marry you and maybe I won't. Whatever, eat your heart out!" Or something along those lines.


I understand that her script might be hard coded while outside; however, once she gets into the building I believe that changes? Her looks can be hidden by her helmet outside, and maybe once inside change her face as well as her scripts? Would this be something anyone might be interested in undertaking? Please?


Actually, I've already succeeded in turning her into a zombie and having her follow me out and through the cave and I have another mod that resurrects her later; but, she's still ugly as sin and not a decent follower nor marriageable.


Lol! I can post a pic of this if anyone is interested.

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