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A question about modding


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Since I'm a web designer, learning scripting was pretty easy. But I'm confused when it comes to the script and AI packages.


For example, for one of my mods, the player is supposed to walk into an armor shop and get a journal update about the shopkeeper having a conversation with a customer. How do you get the NPC to talk to the shopkeeper about a certain subject only when the player enters the room?


Is there some kind of tutorial concerning scripting and AI packages?


Please help. I got my girlfriend to do voice acting for this mod, but if I can't figure out how to make half of it, she won't be so willing.

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Okay, another question.


I need to use exactly what this example described except changing the quest to "20" or whatever to start the next action.


begin gamemode

if timer > 0

set timer to timer - getsecondspassed

elseif talk == 1

set lastStage to CharacterGen.tauntStage

set timer to SayTo player, CharGenTaunt2 1

if getstage characterGen == 9

set characterGen.convTimer to timer - .5





Where do I put the script? On a player, in the dialogue.. ? I'm new at this.


See, in the mod it's supposed to work like this..

1. Player enters the cell.

2. The added NPC starts a conversation with the shopkeeper seemingly mid-sentence "Can you at least give me a discount?" "You're trying to drive me out of business!" "Goodbye! D:<"

3. The NPC walks up to the player and starts conversation "That stupid shopkeeper charges too much for his goods." Options "Tough luck" and "I'll help pay". Tough luck ending the conversation. I'll help pay yielding "Really? How much?" Then options "100 gold" "200 gold" "300 gold". Higher gold raises disposition more.

4. Amount of gold is removed from player.

5. NPC starts conversation with shopkeeper again "I'll take that now" "Pleasure doing business with you" ".. Cheap male without a father" NPC ends conversation, thanks player.


The NPC appears throughout the imperial city with multiple short quests that raise her disposition. Once it's high enough, the other quests are disabled. Since this is a mod made for new characters(Until I can figure out a way otherwise) which ever faction the player joins first, the NPC will be there having already joined the faction, at which point she'll you to accompany her on a quest she was given. After completing it, she's your companion, opening up several other quests.


This is going to be my first Oblivion mod. I've made morrowind mods before, so I'm not *that* new, but I still need a lot of help.

Is there anyone that I can add on an instant messenger or e-mail, or something that I can ask these questions to? I'm sure there will be a lot of them.


I sort of have to finish this mod, since I convinced my girlfriend to do the voice acting before I really knew what I was doing. Turns out, oblivon modding is a little different.

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