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Does anyone know or or has anyone been working on bucklers?


I know of a few mods where the authors simply reduced the size of the shields already in the game, this is not what I am looking for.


I am looking for bucklers for thief, assassin or hunter style characters with new creations for these bucklers.

Perhaps even on that resembles an oriental fan for a female ninja style character to use.

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Does anyone know or or has anyone been working on bucklers?


I know of a few mods where the authors simply reduced the size of the shields already in the game, this is not what I am looking for.


I am looking for bucklers for thief, assassin or hunter style characters with new creations for these bucklers.

Perhaps even on that resembles an oriental fan for a female ninja style character to use.


I'm working on a Buckler variant of the Spellbreaker shield :) Same overall design, but smaller and more fancy effects :P

CK-wise it'll be a very light shield with a very low armor rate, but casts a ward spell when blocking, does shock damage when bashing and if possible, does shock damage when blocking an attack.

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