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Need help creating script for custom respawn for containers


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A simple thing, but I cannot find any good information that is clear and conside on this and I am a total novice at scripting. I want some custom containers I am adding to a mod to respawn contents every 5 days (120 hours). I found a couple of mods on Nexus that do something identical, but I cannot view the scripts to see how they did it. They don't give me the option to Edit Source like other scripts do so I can learn how they wrote it. Trying to pick apart vanilla stuff like drinkingbuddy didn't help either since it is tied to a quest and I don't need that. The mods I was using for guidance didn't need a quest and had ObjectReferences setup somehow.


Would anyone help walk me through this?

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The fishing rod = If a mod has packed scripts into a BA2 archive, use the BA2 Extractor to extract the compiled PEX files, then use Champollion decompiler to convert the compiled PEX files to text readable PSC files.

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