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Missing save games in my Skyrim Game!


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I have a secondary profile set up in Vortex and sometimes, (not always) when I start my game fresh, there are no save games. The only option is to start a new game. Sometimes when I close it out and come back to it they will be there. Not sure what's going on?


I'm sure that it's dummy error and something I did, just not sure how to fix it. I've uninstalled Skyrim 3 times now and uninstalled Vortex a few times as well. Now, I'm just trying to get back to a fresh start all over again.

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I purged my files, reinstalled both Skyrim and Vortex. Still, I don't know why my saves were/went intermittently missing so without knowing why, I can't be sure that it won't happen again. Maybe after I get another 800 hrs into the game?

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