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[Request] Fists of Steel fix


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Since the Heavy Armor Perk "Fists of Steel" (adds armor rating of gauntlets to unarmed dmg if using heavy armor gauntlets) is currently broken (only adds base dmg of gauntlets) I was thinking it could use a fix.


Currently the dmg cap - without the Alchemy-Enchanting trick - is 18(gauntlets)+14x2(enchants on hands and ring)+15(khajiit) = 61 which is just not even somewhat viable.

With the mod it would - again without the trick - be 327 (gauntlets)+14x2(enchants on hands and ring) + 15(khajiit) = 370 which is very high (keep in mind you would need 100 smith/enchant/alchemy/heavy armor and many enchants to reach this) but still lower than onehanded.


Imo this would balance the game a bit more and add a new viable way of playing. Also it should be fairly easy to do (i think so).

Plus: I haven't found any up to date or fully funtional mod yet.


thanks in advance, Nightysin

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