CrystalArcane Posted February 22, 2019 Share Posted February 22, 2019 Hey guys! So I'm getting these weird, really ugly and high-contrasted trees in my otherwise nice-looking mod setup. I can't for the life of my figure out what mod or which two mods conflicting might be causing this! It's extra weird because some of them look perfectly fine (SFO trees) but something is adding these other, brown/green trees. The only way I can think of accurately discerning which mod might be doing this is by going through and disabling each one and constantly launching the game until I find my culprit but I've already done this with every mod I think could be doing it so perhaps it's a conflict of multiple mods? An LOD issue (or is that only for far away renders?) maybe? I had a suspicion that SBT (Skyrim Bigger Trees) could conflict with other flora mods but disabling it still produces these trees, just less of them. Trees in question: I wasn't able to use Modwatch because the uploading seems to be bugged at the moment in that uploading my files doesn't generate a webpage for my chosen username, so I'll have to paste my mod list here: Skyrim.esmUpdate.esmDawnguard.esmHearthFires.esmDragonborn.esmDawnguard - Textures.esmHearthFires - Textures.esmDragonborn - Textures.esmUnofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch.espSkyrim Project Optimization - Full Version.esmFalskaar.esmWyrmstooth.espmoonpath.esmUnique Flowers & Plants.esmApachiiHairFemales.esmApachiiHairMales.esmhdtHighHeel.esmRSkyrimChildren.esmClimatesOfTamriel.esmRealistic Lighting Overhaul - Major City Interiors.espJKs Skyrim LR.espDATGRASS.espRealistic Lighting Overhaul - Dawnguard Interiors.espBlacksmithforge water fix DG.espSkyrim Particle Patch for ENB - Flame Atronach Fix.espABT - Faster Arrows Improved +50%.espABT - Faster Bolts Improved +75%.espABT - Increased Bolts Damage (Vanilla) +50%.espSkyFalls + SkyMills + DG + DB + FS + WT.espSkyFalls DB + FS Small Waterfalls.espRealisticWaterTwo - Waves - Falskaar.espTytanis.espABT - Increased Progressive Damage (Vanilla) +50%.espABT - Loot Arrows +25%.espABT - Merchants Arrows +100%.espABT - Recover +10% Arrows and Bolts.espFCO - Follower Commentary Overhaul.espAmazingFollowerTweaks.espAFT_NoFriendlySpellDamage.espAFT_NoDances.espBetter Eagle Eye Redux.espDeadlySpellImpacts.espSkyUI.espImmersiveSpells.espMoonpath_TP.espMoss Rocks.espRSChildren.espRealistic Lighting Overhaul - Major City Exteriors.espSoS - The Wilds.espSoS - Civilization.espSDO Full-LOD - The Morthal Swamp Light.espSoS - The Dungeons.espPlayable Children PLUS.espRSChildren Playable.espShootingStars.espSplashofRain.espChesko_WearableLantern.espwhiterun spruce by revan1199.espBirdsHFclean.espSDO Full-LOD - Waterfall Effects.espRealisticWaterTwo.espRealisticWaterTwo - Wyrmstooth.espRealisticWaterTwo - Falskaar.espWatercolor_for_ENB_RWT.espskyBirds - Airborne Perching Birds.espRealisticWaterTwo - Legendary.espSoS - Civilization-PatchRLOMajorCityInteriors.espCloaks.espUnique Grasses.espfallentreebridges.espSMIM-Merged-All.espmoonpath_questdata.espLeafRest OnePiece.espSDO Full-LOD - Whiterun Trundra Creeks.espUnique Grasses_clippingfixer.espRealisticWaterTwo - Waves - Wyrmstooth.espPerfect Whiterun_outside district by ReVan1199.espBlacksmithforge water fix DB.espBlacksmithforge water fix Vanilla.espsummersetisles.espSDO Full-LOD - Giant Campfires.espdD - Enhanced Blood Main.espFNIS.espP1FlyingRing.espAnimated Dragon Wings.espDSerArcheryGameplayOverhaul.espImproved Combat Sounds v2.2.espBrawl Bugs CE.espBFSEffects.espdD-No Spinning Death Animation Merged.espdD-No Spinning Death Animation DG.espdD-No Twitching Dragon Death Animation.espIceBreaker's Improved Reverb v0.025.espRealistic Lighting Overhaul - Minor Cities and Town Interiors.espRealistic Lighting Overhaul - Brighter Dungeons.espClimatesOfTamriel-Dawnguard-Patch.espClimatesOfTamriel-Dragonborn-Patch.espCoT-WeatherPatch.espTrueStorms.espTrueStorms-CoT-WeatherPatch.espSupreme Storms - Cot Version.espCoT-WeatherPatch_DB.espCoT-WeatherPatch_Snow-40.espCoT-WeatherPatch_SupStorms.espSoS - Civilization-PatchRLOMinorCities.espSoS - The Dungeons-PatchRLOMajorCityInteriors.espSoS - The Dungeons-PatchRLODungeons.espTrueStorms-SupremeStorms-CoT.espMainMenu.espFastLoot.espSRG Enhanced Trees Activator.espCityForestV2_6.espCity Forest and Landscape V2 trees whiterun light fix.espSFO - Dragonborn.espSkyrim Flora Overhaul.espSkyrim Bigger Trees Full.espGloriousEnviroments.espVivid Landscapes.esp I'd be so grateful for any opinions and I'm responsive and more than happy to provide extra info!Kind regards, Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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