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No first person with Dawnguard installed


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Well, I haven't played Skyrim for a while and needless to say, I've missed it.

My problem is with Dawnguard.esm. I originally purchased all the DLC from Steam, and needless to say when I went to install the game again the DLC wasn't there. So, I started looking and found Dawnguard, Hearthfire, and Dragonborn, purchased it again and it's installed through Steam.

For some reason, with Dawnguard active, I cannot get into first person, If I deactivate the .esm I have no problem. I've played Skyrim for over 2000 hrs and this is the first time I've run into this. I've also deactivated each mod that I have installed until no mods were active and still have the same problem

I don't have the file as it was transferred directly to Steam so I have no idea if it can be fixed. Granted, I can disable Dawnguard but that kinda breaks the game, so I'm wondering if there is a fix to this or am I just stuck in 3rd person. I don't mind playing in 3rd person but I mostly prefer 1st.

I myself can't believe that Skyrim is still around. Usually, games don't stick around for as long as Skyrim has. I guess people just like to play it cause it is so moddable, that's basically why I've played so long, I like to try different mods and see what happens.

Anyway, if anybody has any ideas it would be greatly appreciated. I did use Vortex to install everything I have in the game. Thanks.

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Thanks for the info. Now one more question. Is it necessary to remove all mods prior to using the fix on the ess. I use SKSE so the mods are reliant on it. In the save folder you have an SKSE save and an ess save. Also, never doing anything like this before, I notice that the saves are numbered, like, 32.35.03. for the SKSE Save and the ess save.

I'm guessing that you would uninstall all mods, run the game for a bit then do a clean save, run the fix for the third person then reinstall mods. Like I said this is only a guess.

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As I say I have never had to use it; but as the fix is on a saved game you must have all the mods that the save game requires to run it whether its in a fixed or unfixed state otherwise you break you save in some other way.

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