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(Possibly) Easy Accessibility Mod for VR?


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I have a friend who has some trouble with moving that I'm trying to show Skyrim VR (with a controller). Everything is perfect, I'm even running it with plenty of mods, but there is just one slight issue he keeps running into; trying to pick things up off the ground or catch bugs (the ground is the bigger issue) is difficult because the game asks him to crane his neck down and point the Vive at the thing he's trying to pick up. The game turns off the up/down camera controls on the right stick when you're playing in VR as to not cause motion sickness, but I was wondering if there is any way to map them to simply offset the crosshair location up and down to select things without having to move your head AS far to look at them. I honestly thought it is an amazing idea because I run into the same issue when I try to play it lounging on a couch with the headset on, I keep having to pick myself up to look down on things, the only issue is I suck at coding and have never modded before so I figured a better idea would be to see if any of you guys like the idea. It would help more people get to experience running through this insane game. Thanks.

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