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Please help before I tear out all my red hair...


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Okay, I've gone over this four times, and have re-started new quest design from scratch twice, and still can't get the NPC dialogue to show up for more than a second. :( I've been using the handy " Modders resource 1-10 Second Silence" by GomuGomu64, as I had found that recording my own "silent" tracks was recording static and not true "silent" pauses.


The smallest track I'm using on a six word sentence NPC dialogue is 3 seconds... the longest "silent" track is 8 seconds.


There's nothing "amazingly complicated" about my dialogue, nor my choices. Heck one quest has 4 stages, one quest has 5. This is not rocket science, but I'm missing something.


On my last attempt, I went and completely cleared my "sound/voice/myname.esp/" folder of all LIP and WAV files - deleted them all (all the clutter from my prior 3 attempts), and went in and painstakingly re-created the entire questline from scratch - ensured I followed Bethesda's tutorial (and the tips from Gomu) to the best of my ability. When I was done, I went to that same "sound/voice/myname.esp/" folder and sure enough, every dialogue had a matching LIP and WAV file saved there as it should have. I even went so far as to check "Force Subtitles" on every dialogue option.


BUT... going into the quest again at my "safe" savegame point, I head to the NPC, and all the correct PLAYER dialogue choices show up correctly (so I know my quest "logic" is right), but maybe ONE in ten times, I might for a FLEETING second, see what the NPC said to me.



Please - help save my Scottish scalp. Please... :) Any tips, hints, suggestions, would be greatly appreciated.



<3 Sarharien (Sarah)

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