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lets discuss bringing NPCs to life

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search all (lean) search all noodle (any name you can come up) shoud show them, not sure if the dlc's add more idles then only default esm's


if any mod adds idles to the game, those idles shoud be in the esm's, but like you say its the hard part to find all of them


btw gratz on getting it to work

Edited by speedynl
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Hmm, so everything is working great, but Every time i test in-game one of my custom NPCs freezes into a t pose. I've went over the packages and can't find anything that would cause this. They still talk to me, and if I wait or sleep they will teleport around the cell still frozen. Also, it's never more than one npc at a time.Any idea what might cause this?
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not realy, is it always the same npc ?, if so disable him, see what happens

did you by any change used a dead npc for your custom npc, maybe you forgot to start dead to unvink

don't think the amouns npc's should cause a t pose, highest amount i added in 1 cell was 6 worked fine


problem are always hard to track, you can disable all but 1 and add them back 1 by 1 to see if the anount cause the problem or any of the npc's it self

Edited by speedynl
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Yeah I'm stumped with this right now, i thought i solved it as I went through a couple in game sessions after some edits and eveerything was fine, but it happened again eventually.


It's always only 1 of my 5 npcs, and its always somewhere different, at a different time of day. He freezes but will still talk and his eyes still headtrack, which looks hilarious. If i sleep or wait he will teleport according to his package. Someone suggested its related to navmesh, and I'm hoping it is that except i dont know how to adress that. Everyone including vanilla npcs use all of my new navmeshed areas so I know i did a decent job of putting my triangles down. I almost want to regenerate my pre combineds and upload the mod in hopes of attracting someone that knows more about npcs and navmesh. My testing consists of flying to a bird's eye view and watching everyone for in game hours, so I'm curious about how it will perform during casual gameplay with different mod setups. At the same time i dont want it to seem like i wasn't thorough in making the mod.

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nah your problem is not a navmesh, if that was the case all should freeze in the same spot, if a navmesh is not good at a certain point the npc will just stop at that point, i never saw any npc getting a t-pose with no and or bad navmesh(sample remove a complete navmesh line, you will see they just stop there not knowing what to do)


you could bring out the mod as beta for testing, see if others run into your problem, like i say before, i made plenty settlements with pre build settlers, i never saw your problem, the only problem i saw sometimes was with stairs (navmesh not covering correct), they just walked to the stair, stared xx time at it and moved to somewhere else


maybe some 1 who is good at modding, and or adding npc's could help you better, i'm just a n00b who try to help

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Yeah all npcs use my navmesh surprisingly well. A couple places they will walk back and forth and act stupid , but nothing worse than I've seen with vanilla.


Ive turned to discord ao hopefully i can get some ideas.


Speedy, I've been reading your assistance with other types of issues for probably going on years now, i imagine you've amassed a decent amount of experience by this point with the fo4 game systems. Have you ever published anything ?

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Have you ever published anything ?

no, i can't stand the (do this/this sucks/make that ect) crying/whining/demanding from all those peeps

although i did make some (settlements) esp for a couple of settlement modders, i only made things for myself, to see/find out how it worked, and or if it worked

even back in skyrim i only made things for myself


i'm no modder but i liked to screw around with the CK

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I don't have any answers to questions but wanted to say this area is a big interest to me right now. I have not done anything sophisticated but my last 5 published mods plus an update to an older mod have all been designed around getting NPCs to move around more and give the appears of doing something. One of them is specifically the guards in goodneighbor.

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Well i think i may have solved my issue.while editing ai packages, there is a tab that allows you to assign idles from a list that the npc does before/on change/on end of the specific package. I assigned them all specific idles which had the npcs stopping and talking to themselves (looked like they were talking to each other) using jet etc. This added a lot to the area of goodmeighbor as i imagine it with a bunch of crazy people and drug users.


This was working pretty well so i ruled it out as the cause of my t poses, but I removed all assigned idles and so far it seems to have fixed it.


In regards to making NPCs seem more alive , I would auggest opening vanilla ai packages of unique NPCs and studying them. There are quite a but of details you can control that i havent had time to experiment. I gave my npcs each 4 or so packages detailing what areas i wanted them to sandbox at a certain tome of day. You can also make xmarkers and link them which will work like a loose patrol.I'm no expert obviously but will share what i can.


Also, the onlt vanilla edits i made were increasing the sandbox radius and height for the generic goodneighbor npcs, so hopefully your mod might go well with mine.

Edited by wanderer3292
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