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building physics change body


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when i use body slide and do build or patch build i see the body i made in the character creation racemenu alright however it reflects on all NPCS in the game , i am using CBBE how can i apply a bodyslide only to my character and not to the other npcs in game so when i go to create a new character via racemenu i see it there by default as it is now but i want it to affect only me without having other NPCS with the same body as well

Edited by dragonlove
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That's just how the game and Bodyslide work. The game uses the same base body shape for everyone - including your player character. Therefore, changes made in Bodyslide by default also affect every female character in the game.


What you can do:

1. When building bodies in Bodyslide, tick the "create morphs" (or something like this) checkbox in Bodyslide. This should enable Body customization options in Racemenu - which will apply only to your player character.


2. Use the "unique player" mod: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/3006


3. Use "Lazy Tools". It's a collection of different utilities, among them a tool to edit player and NPC bodies.


TBH, I personally don't use options 2 and 3 - so "use at your own risk".

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That's just how the game and Bodyslide work. The game uses the same base body shape for everyone - including your player character. Therefore, changes made in Bodyslide by default also affect every female character in the game.


What you can do:

1. When building bodies in Bodyslide, tick the "create morphs" (or something like this) checkbox in Bodyslide. This should enable Body customization options in Racemenu - which will apply only to your player character.


2. Use the "unique player" mod: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/3006


3. Use "Lazy Tools". It's a collection of different utilities, among them a tool to edit player and NPC bodies.


TBH, I personally don't use options 2 and 3 - so "use at your own risk".

thank you thats explains why i had this issue , thank you again

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