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tundra homestead tiny display fix.


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Okey I got my self tundra homestead ooooh no god forbid some one used the creation club but honest to hell it´s my favorite house add on so far. All other house mods are overly cluttered to hell and back or they add display cases for like 100+ items and so on.

But tundra homestead has what I like displays for the mask and claws and bug jars and paragon eggs and well armors and weapons but but it´s missing 6 displays I kinda wish it had.

And becuse Im not moder or are to dumb to fiddle with scripts I want to ask will any one of you brilliant moder´s add a tiny mod that add some form of display for Nemiras ring, Azuras star and Masque of Clavicus Vile and all 3 Elder scrolls and that would make my day. That´s the only thing it´s missing and I taught hmm all other house mods that has displays for 100 of items always have a standard for claws and mask and all that just like Tundra homestead but yet it´s missing does 3 artifacts and the elder scrolls.

And if you feel like it maybe display for all the black books? Not rely needed but maybe other would like that.

Edited by Thepeon
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Well I tught so Im the only stupid one that rely loves Tundra homestead. Reason I like it is because it is one of Elianora's best house mods for me sure her other house mods are great but for me personally they feel way way overfilled with clutter or well clutter may not be the right word but they feel they have way way to much static items for me.

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