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A Bug in Someguy Series scripting


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I have encountered a bug which door critical to plot progression doesn't get unlocked several times. I thought It was just due to my complex modding loadout but recently I encountered same bug in fresh save with base game.


After some time in GECk I confirmed series of scripting bugs in quest stage and dialogue topic results script. Something like typing 'removeitem' as 'removitem' or 'Unlock' command to plot door doesn't work at all at certain point with no good reason.


I managed to fix or bypass all of It. Now I'm curious If anyone else has encountered this bug or not. If someone indeed did, I'll post bugfixed version to public.



These are bugs which I have encountered so far.


1. The Inheritance : Door to Las Vegas Arsenal is locked up despite relevant quest stage has been reached. Only way to access it is to use console command.


2. New Vegas Bounties III : Door to Doolin's shack is locked up despite relevant quest stage has been reached. Only way to access it is to use console command.

A bug in cutscene's scripting which prevent certain sounds play out.(This is not plot critical like rest of them.)


3. Checkpoint Gary : Door to Hacksaw Cavern is locked up despite relevant quest stage has been reached. Only way to access it is to use console command.

Certain services in town are not costing caps.

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I had a problem with the 'And Hell Followed With Him' script in NVB3. But it wasn't actually a scripting error as far as I could determine. It hung at different points (once I got past any particular stoppage point) and seemed to be related to the overall size of the script itself (at least in my environment). I was able to make progress by chopping out "less than essential" segments of monologue and the "burial" IMODs until I made it into Doolin's Shack, which was an extremely lengthy scripted dialogue sequence. From there it was smooth sailing.


I did find other people reporting issues, but little consistency among them. Many things affect memory, including your mix of various resolutions for meshes and textures. I never actually had a problem with "locked doors".


The NVB3 mod (at least) doesn't say anything about permissions to modify his code. The Nexus policy is "all rights reserved to the author except what they explicitly permit". Failing to get a response from the author is the equivalent of "No". When in doubt, ask a moderator before posting any "bug fix" to a mod. Some authors are very touchy about it, and Nexus will always side with the author.



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I had a problem with the 'And Hell Followed With Him' script in NVB3. But it wasn't actually a scripting error as far as I could determine. It hung at different points (once I got past any particular stoppage point) and seemed to be related to the overall size of the script itself (at least in my environment). I was able to make progress by chopping out "less than essential" segments of monologue and the "burial" IMODs until I made it into Doolin's Shack, which was an extremely lengthy scripted dialogue sequence. From there it was smooth sailing.


I did find other people reporting issues, but little consistency among them. Many things affect memory, including your mix of various resolutions for meshes and textures. I never actually had a problem with "locked doors".


The NVB3 mod (at least) doesn't say anything about permissions to modify his code. The Nexus policy is "all rights reserved to the author except what they explicitly permit". Failing to get a response from the author is the equivalent of "No". When in doubt, ask a moderator before posting any "bug fix" to a mod. Some authors are very touchy about it, and Nexus will always side with the author.




Well then I'll just keep my private fix to my self. Thank you for replying.

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