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Hello fellow adventurers and modders.


I want Jenassa, my follower, to use modded animations (more feminine) so i've downloaded some animations mods and all the other NPCs use them except her. I've made a copy of her in Windhelm (using NPC Editor) and the copy uses animations from mods but i can't hire her. While she has all the dialogue lines, when i dismiss the original Jenassa, there is no hire line in the dialogue of Jenassa copy.


I've tried:


"disable / enable, resetai, resurrect, recycleactor, markfordelete" commands in various order on both NPCs and i've tried tutorials i could find to make an NPC a follower through console - nothing had an effect. My problem would be solved if either original Jenassa would start using animations from mods or i could make a copy of her my follower.


Please, suggest anything on your mind. Thank you.

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