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Mod Request : Autocalc Profit


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Edit: So i didnt realize you didnt get a preview of the post as you moused over and i cant change the title so i made the thread again and reported the old thread to the mods to delete it for me sorry guys and gals.

Ok so im no modder i have 1 mod to my name on this site and it was for new vegas (changed 9mm to .45 one of many but was the first)
anyway im also terrible at math i have said dead serious before 2+2=5
anyway my request is to add some auto calculations to the trade information. Say I want to trade energy cells well station A has them for sell for 23 credits and station B buys them for 27 creds I would like if there is a way to show what profit per energy sell would be. This would be most helpful when trying to determine the best trade between like hulls and electronics that are both in the thousands but a few credits difference.

again for most people probably not a problem but I really don't want to have to take off my shoe's to figure out what trades i should be making. In actuality I really see it as just a quality of service type mod where you can tell at a glance.

thanks for reading.

edit: im also really bad at spelling :sad:

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